
INSTALLATION OF DECONTAMINATION OF RADIOACTIVE SOILS. ORFISA, under the framework of the dismantlement project of the José Cabrera Nuclear Power Plant, which is to begin on reaching its end-of-life use, has been develop a project to  construct and operate a land decontamination plant. This innovative installation will help to manage and treat the land [...]

Residual Water Treatment Plant El Salitre. Panamá.


Detailed Design, Construction of Works, Supply and Installation of Equipment, Start-up and Assisted Operation of the Optimization and Expansion of the Wastewater Treatment Plant El Salitre The Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) El Salitre is currently the only municipal wastewater plant in Bogotá. This plant is located in the north-west of the city and has [...]

Study, design, construction, operation and maintenance of the DWTP Gamboa


Study, design, construction, operation and maintenance of the DWTP Gamboa In urban areas, where most of the population of the city of Panama is concentrated, production systems and distribution of drinking water currently account are insufficient for the high demand for potable water demands in the urban area the city, coupled with high [...]

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