PROJECT LNG OF "LA PLATA". DOCK AND MARINE GAS PIPELINE. The project involves the execution of three main works: a breakwater and docks for the terminal, a gas pipeline and the opening dredging of the port of Punta Sayago (Uruguay). Dredging and the pipeline are direct investments. On the contrary the works of the [...]
Residual Water Treatment Plant El Salitre. Panamá.
Javier García FIgueroa2018-04-07T10:03:14+00:00Detailed Design, Construction of Works, Supply and Installation of Equipment, Start-up and Assisted Operation of the Optimization and Expansion of the Wastewater Treatment Plant El Salitre The Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) El Salitre is currently the only municipal wastewater plant in Bogotá. This plant is located in the north-west of the city and has [...]
Study, design, construction, operation and maintenance of the DWTP Gamboa
Javier García FIgueroa2018-04-07T10:00:57+00:00Study, design, construction, operation and maintenance of the DWTP Gamboa In urban areas, where most of the population of the city of Panama is concentrated, production systems and distribution of drinking water currently account are insufficient for the high demand for potable water demands in the urban area the city, coupled with high [...]
Javier García FIgueroa2018-04-07T10:01:00+00:00LNG import terminal in Telfers Island,Colón, Panama. The purpose of the Project is the construction of a LNG import terminal in Telfers Island, Colón, Panama. This terminal is dedicated to supply natural gas to one power block of 380 MW (Net), with provisions to supply gas to a second power block of 380 MW (Net), [...]
High-Speed Rail. California.
Javier García FIgueroa2018-04-07T10:01:12+00:00Construction Package 4: Delivering the High-Speed Rail Program Construction Package 4 (CP 4) is the third design-build construction contract for the high-speed rail program. The CP4 construction area is a 22-mile stretch within the counties of Tulare and Kern and the cities of Wasco and Shafter. It is bounded by a point approximately one mile [...]